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Australia Dependent Visa : All You Need to know!

In this guide, we will discuss everything about dependent Visa Australia requirements, cost, and much more.

What are the requirements for dependent Visa in Australia?

Dependent visa Australia requirements:

Family members living in Australia who intend to sponsor permanent residents for a spouse, future marriage, child, or parent visas must be permanent residents themselves, citizens of Australia or New Zealand, or eligible citizens of New Zealand.

The following conditions must be met before an individual can apply for a dependent visa to Australia:

  • Dependents of the primary visa holder, such as a spouse or partner.
  • A minor who has not yet reached the age of 18, but who is not married.
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To obtain a Work Visa for a Dependent:

If you have a family member in Australia who is currently on a temporary or permanent visa, you may be eligible to apply for a work dependent visa.

Only the temporary worker’s spouse, partner, or unmarried minor kid can apply for a Work dependent visa on their behalf.

The spouse, minor children, parents, and grandparents of a migrant worker or business visa holder are all qualified to apply for a dependant visa.

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Australia Dependemt Visa Process

Visa Subclass 309 (Partner Provisional Visa)

To visit Australia as a de facto partner or spouse, a New Zealand citizen who meets specific requirements can apply for and receive this Visa.

This Visa is the initial step in applying for a permanent Partner Visa (subclass 100).

When applying for a spouse or de facto partner visa in Australia, the applicant must have a real relationship with the Australian sponsor.

Visa characteristics for Subclass 309

  • A short-term visa.
  • The permanent partner visa is the next step after getting this Visa.
  • A candidate must be currently located outside of Australia to apply.

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The benefits of a Subclass 309 visa

A person with a Subclass 309 visa can:

  • Get a Job Down Under
  • To attend university in Australia
  • You can take as many round-trip flights to Australia as you like.
  • Although the prior limit was 510 hours, you are now free to take as many English classes as necessary to obtain vocational English.
  • Use Medicare, Australia’s national healthcare system.
  • If all family members, including minor children, meet health and character requirements, then everyone on the application will be granted a visa.

Duration of stay:

Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) applications for permanent residency are considered temporary until a decision is made on the application or the application is withdrawn.

Guests can expect to stay anywhere from 15 months to two years.

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Australia Partner Visa (Sublcass 100)

To qualify for this Visa, the candidate and their partner or de facto partner must be in a certifiable relationship.

The applicant must be outside of Australia when applying for this temporary Visa.

A valid Subclass 309 visa is required to apply for this Visa. The visa holder must demonstrate a genuine and long-term commitment to their Australian partner. Once the visa holder has been in the country for five years, they can apply for citizenship.

Partner visa 309 and Visa 100 processing times are notoriously unpredictable due to their dependence on various variables. The time it takes to get a spouse visa can be affected by the following:

Dependent visa Australia processing time:

A dependent student visa takes about four months to process, the same as a student visa. When a student and a relative apply jointly, both may be considered for the position.

Student dependent visa Australia subclass

Dependent visas can be obtained for spouses, domestic partners, and unmarried children under 18. You can apply for their visas at the same time you submit your student visa application, or you can apply for their visas separately after you have already begun your studies in Australia. You can bring your loved ones with you to Australia if you plan to study there.

The primary visa holder must have a valid visa for at least 12 months, along with sufficient finances and insurance coverage to pay all expenses during that time, and the dependents must be listed on the original Form 157A if they are to travel with the primary visa holder.

Student dependent visa Australia checklist

  • Request for Dependent Nomination (Form 919)
  • Student visa petition (Form 157A)
  • A note from one of your professors that says:
  • Your Course Title
  • Duration of study and anticipated end date
  • Assuming you’re keeping up with the demands of the class;
  • Evidence showing you have the means to care for any dependants in your family
  • Certificates of marriage and/or births attest to a familial relationship’s existence.
  • Student enrollment verification
  • Dependent health insurance documentation is required.

Dependent visa Australia subclass 500

If you want to study full-time at an approved educational institution in Australia, you can extend your stay for up to 5 years with a Student visa (subclass 500).

With this Visa, you can:

  • Partake in a qualified academic program
  • Include your spouse or the dependent child you share with your partner in your application.
  • Apply from anywhere in the world, online
  • When the course begins, you can work up to 40 hours every two weeks.
  • Suppose you want to maximize your chances of being granted this Visa and have questions about the application procedure. In that case, you can schedule a free consultation with one of our multilingual agents by clicking the link below.

Final Words

Selecting the proper visa category is crucial since it determines whether or not your application is approved. Before starting the visa application process, make sure you’ve carefully considered every facet of your and your spouse’s profiles.


How to apply for an Australian family visa?

To apply for a Family visa to Australia, please follow these steps:

The first thing to do is to choose the kind of Visa you want to apply for:

  • It is recommended that you research the different types of Australian family visas and the prerequisites for each.
  • The next step is to gather all the necessary paperwork.
  • Submit an Application for the Preferred Visa.
  • The fourth step is to submit the required payment for your visa application.
  • Fifth, after filling out the application and paying the cost, the candidate may be asked to submit further documentation, such as biometrics, medical exams, or other verification forms.
  • Hold tight while you await the Visa’s decision.
How much is a dependent visa for Australia?

The fee to apply for an Australian family visa varies according on the type of Visa the applicant is requesting. To understand the application fees for various visas, consult the chart below.

  • Aged Dependent visa- 4425
  • Prospective Marriage visa- 1310
  • Partner visa- 7850
  • Child visa- 2710
  • Parent visa- 4425
  • Aged parent visa- 4425
Can dependent work full time in Australia?

Your spouse, partner, or minor children under the age of 18 who come to Australia with you on a dependent student visa can be eligible to find employment once they arrive in Australia.

Can a dependent apply for PR in Australia?

The Subclass 309 Visa has the following characteristics: A short-term visa. To qualify for the permanent partner visa, you must first obtain this temporary Visa. Applicants must provide evidence that they are in a genuine relationship with their Australian spouse or de facto partner.

Who are eligible for dependent Visa?

Dependent visas are available for partners, spouses, and unmarried children under 18. You must include information about your dependent family members on your initial Form 157A if you included them in your original student visa application.

What if My Baby Was Born in Australia?

If you have a child while in Australia on a student visa, the kid will be issued the same visa status as you or your partner.

Even if your child doesn’t have a passport, you need to notify the Department immediately so they can decide whether or not to add your child to your current student visa or any other pending visa applications you may have.