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All you need to know about Migration to Malta.

Imagine living on an island full of views that you can never get enough of. Yes, it is possible, the smallest EU state, Malta, is guaranteed to make you fall in love with the scenes and attract you with flourishing businesses.

The gaming industry and financial services are considered to be the most successful industries that are present right now.

And the best part for all sea lovers, there are plenty of options and opportunities for divers, there is a diverse selection of museums and historical places available for exploration, there are cultural events that go on and people participate regularly to enjoy their leisure time and the best of all, Malta’s nightlife.

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Is it easy to migrate to Malta?

In 2015, Malta began accepting applications for its Permanent Residence Programme which was recently updated in 2021. Investors must come from countries that are not members of the European Economic Community (EEC) in order to take part in the Permanent Residence Programme in Malta.

A person who wants to live in the Maltese Islands may choose from a variety of different options that Malta provides. Interested individuals may be eligible to get residence via various programmes, incentives, or laws based on the numerous requirements that must be met. Envoy International can guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate residence permit as well as providing help during the application phase.

Top Countries To Migrate

United Kingdom
United States
New Zealand

How much does it cost to migrate to Malta?

In most cases, the fee is determined by the kind of residence that you go for.

If you want to apply for the Global Residence Programme in Malta, it will cost you more than €30,000 and if you want to apply for the Permanent Residence Programme in Malta, it will cost you more than €150,000.

If you want to become a citizen of the United States, you need to be prepared to pay over €1,000,000.

Citizens of Malta can travel to more than 180 countries and territories without needing a visa, operate a company anywhere in Europe, and make use of Europe’s highly regarded medical and educational systems for an indefinite period of time.

Does Malta give citizenship to foreigners?

Moving to Malta from a nation that is not a member of the EU is a more complicated process that requires certain permissions and authorization. There are a lot of chances for a residence that may be accessible based on your means, such as whether you have a job in Malta, the ability to support yourself financially, or if you are willing to invest money in the local economy.

  • Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP)- The Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) is a government initiative that enables foreign nationals to permanently establish, remain, and live in Malta. To do this, they will need to make investments in real estate as well as payments to the government. The procedure takes around four to six months to complete and requires the presence of capital assets worth at least 500,000 Euros. The elimination of the need for travel visas and the ability to include up to four generations of candidates are two of the most significant advantages.
  • Malta Global Residence Programme (GRP)- The Global Residence Programme (GRP) is a residential scheme that gives people the opportunity to benefit from a preferential tax status. People who are not citizens of the EU, EAA, or Switzerland are the intended users of this service. To acquire residency in this way, the applicant must purchase or rent property of a particular value and pay a non-refundable fee.

Can foreigners get PR in Malta?

The Malta Permanent Residence Program is available to citizens of third countries, except those of the EU, EEA, and Switzerland, and it enables such citizens to obtain permanent residence permits in Malta in exchange for financial investments.

Is Malta a good place to migrate?

If you are thinking about moving to a new nation, Malta is an excellent option to take into consideration. Living on this beautiful Mediterranean island, which has a lot to offer, will be a wonderful experience for you.

Living in Malta is great for many reasons, but the weather is one of them. In addition to this, there is a low incidence of crime. On top of that, there are plenty of things to do on the island, such as going to historical monuments, enjoying the lovely beaches, and exploring the natural parks.

  • Education
  • Lifestyle
  • Cost of Living
  • Government
  • Weather
  • Healthcare System
  • Economy
  • Religion

Can you buy Maltese citizenship?

Although it is not allowed to purchase citizenship in Malta, it is nonetheless possible to become a citizen by naturalization. Members of the applicant’s family are also eligible.

For an individual to get Maltese citizenship he/she needs to either invest via the option provided

  • Malta Citizenship by Investment- The “Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment” programme is the name of the investment path that leads to Maltese citizenship. This route requires a direct investment. After three years of presence in Malta, investors may apply for a Maltese passport under this scheme. There is also a faster route that can be taken by any individual, which results in citizenship in only one year but needs a greater financial commitment.
  • Malta Permanent Residency Programme- here a smaller minimum investment is required to participate in this programme, and participants are rewarded with a permanent resident visa in Malta. Holders of the MPRP are granted the opportunity to become naturalized Maltese citizens after five years of continuous residency in the country.

Other ways to immigrate to Malta?

You may receive a residence permit without investing, but only getting a residence permit by investment will not oblige you to move to Malta.

In the same line, whether one is renting or acquiring accommodation, they are required to provide their address of registration for any residence permit.

Other than making an investment, the following are other options to get a resident permit in Malta:

  • Employment
  • Education
  • Reunification of the family
  • Marriage
  • Origin and family tree
  • Business
  • Refugees and political asylum

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Who can get Malta Permanent Residence?


In officially registered marriage or unregistered partnership with the investor


  • Capable of confirming the legality of the income
  • No criminal record or prosecution
  • Over 18 years old
  • No visa denials in countries that have a visa-free regime with Malta
  • Available assets of at least €500,000, including €150,000 as liquid financial assets
  • Medical insurance

Parents and grandparents

Principally dependent on the investor or the spouse

Children Over 18

Unmarried, and Principally dependent on the investor or the spouse

The More You Know

The main reason why people choose Malta for immigration is that they see an opportunity to move to one of the EU countries and have a distinct life.

If you are relocating to Malta, you may be curious about the transportation options available there. There are many choices available, and the one or combination of choices that you go with should be determined by the requirements that you have. The majority of the island’s villages and towns are serviced by a bus system that departs from Valletta and travels to all of these locations. They operate on a consistent schedule beginning in the early morning and continuing until almost midnight.

Envoy International is here to help you find out more about moving to Malta, relocating to Malta, or living in Malta.

Ones who would love to work with beautiful scenarios, excellent business opportunities, and enjoy the government policies made for foreigners. This is the perfect opportunity for you!


How much does Malta Citizenship Cost for Indian citizens?

Over €850K would likely be required as a minimum investment for Maltese citizenship (passport) in the year 2022. (Indian INR 4.3 Cr)

  • Contribution to Malta – €750K (INR 6.5 Cr) after 1 year or €600K (INR 5.2 Cr) after 3 years of residency
  • Dependents – €50K each (INR 4.4 Lakh)
  • Buy Real Estate €700K (INR 6.1 Cr) Or Rent €18,000 (INR 16 Lakh) per year
  • Philanthropic contribution – €10K (INR 8.7 Lakh)
What is Golden Visa in Malta?

Through the Malta Golden Visa (Malta Residence and Visa Program) route, high-income persons have the opportunity to get a Maltese passport within one to three years, provided they make a significant investment in the country.

You are required to contribute at least €750,000 to the national development fund in order to qualify for a Maltese passport in a timeframe of one year. After three years, if you invest €600,000 in Malta, you will be eligible to get a Maltese passport.

What are Malta Residence Visa Requirements for India?

Malta Golden visa (PR) requirement – India

  • Minimum age of 18 and being in a good health are both required.
  • Earnings of €100,000 (about 87 Lakh Indian Rupees) each year or Capital of €500,000 (Indian INR 4.3 Cr).
  • Buy a house for €321,000 (about 2.7 billion Indian rupees) or rent it for €12,000 per year (about 10 million Indian rupees).
  • €30K (Indian INR 26 Lakh) admin costs to Govt.
  • Government bonds of €250k (about 2.1 billion Indian rupees) were sold. bonds with a term of 5 years.
How long does it take for people of India to get their residency visa for Malta?

Maltese Golden visa timeline – India

When applying for a resident visa in Malta as an Indian investor, the application procedure might take anywhere from three to seven months.

  • Time required to prepare the application: 2 to 3 weeks.
  • The period required to submit a residency application and have it processed is 3 months.
  • After the first approval, the compliance period (including the time to buy a house) is 3 months.
  • At this point, you will be given a card proving your permanent residency.
How much does Malta Golden Visa Cost for Indian citizens?

Investment in Malta might result in a permanent resident visa for Indian citizens. The usual minimum investment required to get a Golden Visa for Permanent Residence in Malta in 2022 is about €500,000. (Indian INR 4.3 Cr).

  • The application fee is between €5,500 and €24,500 (Indian INR 21 Lakh)
  • Government Bonds €250K (Indian INR 2.1 Cr)
  • A minimum of €270K (or 2.3 Cr Indian Rupees) is required for the purchase of a home, or €10K is required for monthly rent (Indian INR 8.7 Lakh).
Why are Immigration Consultants important?

The Regulations Concerning the Permanent Residence Programme in Malta, L.N. 121 of 2021 says that direct applications for permanent residency from investors are prohibited.

A licensed consultant who has been granted accreditation by the Government of Malta serves as a guarantee that the investor satisfies the requirements of the programme. The licensed consultant advises the investor through each step of the procedure, from the first paperwork preparation to the acquisition of a card indicating permanent residency.